Wednesday 25 May 2011

Design Brief.

JDL is a new small rising company that is well involved with the media industry. The company has just recently done a few successful designs for media projects and other freelancing. They are a decent group of people specialized in graphic design and anything related to the media. They produce the best message and visual work towards the audience.

JDL wants the best to satisfy their customers and to impress them with the very best work. We're always open to creative ideas and feedback. We put time and effort into all the work we produce and we're looking for anyone with the talent, skills and a creative mind to join us.

The audience will be targeted at all ages from young to old. It will be aimed at both genders since it's a poster being displayed to the public. It should reach out and connect with the people that view and capture their attention.

The aim of this project we are working with is to help create a simple but clear message behind the poster so that it could be read simply and taken in. It will be displayed around the cities for the public to view and also on space craft to be sent out. Even though it might sounds ridiculous it will help add a sense of style and art around the cities by displaying this poster. This project will not only encourage inquiries but also to support the growth of this company into a successful one.

The message behind this poster design is to be clear and straight forward. We want to have a simple message not only to the public but to the life on other planets out there as well. That if the day ever happens where life on another planet contacts earth we have the posters up and ready for them to see. The message should be strong and also the visual work should be very clear. When the poster is being viewed it should create a sense of peace and feeling safe.

The design should be sketched out first with 2-4 different designs before actually starting. When the designs are finalized and ready to be worked on, different materials and mediums will be used. We want to use a lot of different methods and materials to present this poster so using Photoshop and Illustrator would be excellent. With designs nowadays and capturing people's attention, we would like to experiment with retro colors so it would be get to have the poster bright instead of dullness. Don't include too much detail and pictures because remember we want to keep this simple. Also keeping the illustrations to nice decent ones will create the feeling of being and friendly and safe. Here are a few pictures below to help with the posters or to have a brief idea.

Friday 20 May 2011

Story Board.

This is for my story board assignment. I have chosen to work on the Little Mermaid story written by
Hans Christian Andersen.
I changed it around abit and made the introduction more different. This is more aimed at younger children if it had an audience. I kept it real simple and not too complex. It went straight to the point and it was that the little mermaid has made a bad choice swimming towards shore and the title sequence ends when her mother catches her. I would like to include nice soothing music for the background and also I have annotations on how the view is going to be like and where the camera will be traveling towards to.

Social conscience

These two designs are targeted mostly at teenagers but also for any age group. Since generation now and back then have been binge drinking, I personally believe that binge drinking is increasing. Young teens are drinking to the point where violence and even death will occur. So for my social conscience assignment I decided to use Photoshop and some of my own photography to create two posters. The first one is clearly saying that drinking isn't good for you. I chose to say " drink to much, it gets messy " because being messy isn't always nice and also to create the sense of consuming alcohol an ugly picture and not a pleasant thing to do. I made the poster look messy aswell, so it's not something nice to look at.
My sceond poster is like a helpline where people can go to seek help or recovery. I made it simple and also the text to be clear and simple to read.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Advertisment product

I was absent on this day so I wasn't clear on what to do. This is my attempt on this task. I found it easy but at times I was confused and had to figure and play around with things myself to find what I was looking for. Overall, I am pleased with what I have produced. I never actually done anything like this before using photoshop. I learnt alot of new things doing this task. I have explored more deeply into using new different tools. Also I found out easier ways to use do a certain thing instead of doing it the hard way.